
  • Cameroon soldiers and US Army soldiers

    HRW welcomes Cameroon’s military killings inquiry

    Cameroon’s announcement of the opening of an investigation into the killing of nine people in Missong village, North-West region, on June 1, 2022 is an important first step in ensuring accountability around the alleged murder of civilians by Read more

  • Anglophone refugees from Cameroon are registered by UNHCR staff at Okende Settlement in Ogoja, Nigeria, April 2019

    Photo: UNHCR / Will Swanson

    Cameroonian refugees in Nigeria rise to 60,000

    Almost 8,000 Cameroonian refugees have fled to Nigeria’s Taraba and Cross Rivers States over the past fortnight, bringing the total Cameroonian refugee population in the country to nearly 60,000 people. Read more

  • Akere T Muna

    I ran for President in Cameroon: Here is what I learnt

    On 6 November, Paul Biya was inaugurated for the seventh time. The 85-year-old has already been in power for the last 36 years and will now serve another seven-year term. President Biya won disputed elections on 7 October amidst rising unrest in Read more

  • Rising violence in Cameroon

    Horrific violence rises in Cameroon

    The brutal attacks against ordinary people and security forces are further proof of the horrific escalation of violence in Cameroon’s Anglophone regions, Amnesty International has said. The organization’s forensic experts have authenticated two Read more

  • Stop violence in Cameroon's Anglophone region

    Deadly violence in Cameroon's Anglophone regions

    Armed separatists in Cameroon’s Anglophone regions have stabbed to death and shot military personnel, burned down schools and attacked teachers, while security forces have tortured people, fired on crowds and destroyed villages, in a spiral of Read more

  • Treated mosquito nets like this can reduce malaria outbreaks

    Cameroonian govt criticised over handling of Malaria outbreak

    The Cameroonian government has been criticised by journalists for the poor handling of a recent malaria outbreak believed to be affecting more than 12,000 people in the northern part of the country. They accused the government of hoarding news about Read more

  • Freed French family arrive Yaounde

    Freed French family of 7 arrive Cameroon

    The French family of seven who were captured by Nigerian Islamist militants and held hostage for two months arrived in Cameroon after regaining their freedom. Tanguy Moulin-Fournier, one of the hostages, expressed his happiness at being back in Read more

  • Paul Biya

    Protests greet Biya’s visit to France

    French President François Hollande received his Cameroonian counterpart - Paul Biya at the Elysée Palace in Paris amid protests from Cameroonian nationals calling on Biya to relinquish power. Read more

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