The Call for Nominations for GAB Awards has been extended till Friday October 4!

GAB Awards 2023
You can nominate yourself or be nominated by someone else for a honour at the 26th Annual GAB Awards which takes place on: Sunday December 1 2024 in London.
The GAB Awards has two Cohorts:
* GAB Awards - (Open to all ages)
* GAB Awards Future Gems - (35 years old or under as at 31 December 2024)
- GAB Awards Future Gems cohort is our attempt to showcase Rising Stars that all eyes need to watch.
- Please note: the fact that you are 35 years old or under DOES NOT EXCLUDE you from being nominated in the GAB Awards cohort.
- The Judging Team reserves the right to swap Nominee's cohorts as it deems fit.

GAB Awards 2023
The GAB Awards was established by The Trumpet Newspaper in 1999 - to reward excellence among Africans and Friends of Africa on the Continent and in the Diaspora who are contributing to the promotion of the positive image of Africa and Africans.
The excellence displayed by these, no doubt, enhances the positive image of Africa and Africans.
The criterion for winning a GAB Award, broadly speaking, is to have contributed to the enhancement of the positive image of Africa and Africans in any part of the world.
As simple as the criterion sounds, there are numerous people who satisfy this criterion which means that the best of Africa’s Best are matched against each other to produce a high quality list of GAB Awards recipients. The GAB Awards is competitive, prestigious and highly coveted.

GAB Awards 2023
Award Categories
There are usually 8 – 15 awards given out at each event.
The GAB Awards categories cover most areas of human endeavour and we accept nominations from all areas of human endeavour.
As there are more than 15 possible areas of human endeavour that nominations can come from, we tend to streamline and shortlist the categories at the stage of drawing up Finalists. This means that you can feel free to nominate as many people as you wish from any area.
GAB Awards London 2018
Some of the common categories are:
- Accountancy, Banking & Finance
- Aviation
- Beauty
- Building, Construction & Property
- Business
- Charity
- Communication & Media
- Community Development
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Education
- Entertainment
- Engineering
- Environment
- Fashion
- Future Leader & Youth
- Governance
- Health
- Innovation
- Legal
- Life Time Achievement
- Public Sector
- Science & Technology
- Social Media
- Sports
This list of categories is not exhaustive

GAB Awards 2023
The Nomination Process
You can nominate yourself or be nominated by someone else for a GAB Award.
Nominations must be sent via email to It should contain:
a) The Name, Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Address of the Nominee.
b) Which Cohort: GAB Awards or GAB Awards Future Gems?
c) The Award Category.
d) The reason for the Nomination.
e) Confirmation that the Nominee will be 35 years old or under by 31 December 2024 for GAB Awards Future Gems cohort.
f) Confirmation that the Nominee will attend (or be represented) at the Award Ceremony on Sunday 1 December 2024.
g) Biography and Photograph of the Nominee which must be sent at the point of nomination or by the Nomination deadline.
h) The Name, Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Address of the Nominator.
i) Please note that because of the huge number of Nominations we receive, we are unable to offer Complimentary Tickets to Nominees or Finalists.

GAB Awards 2023
Selection Stages
There is a 3-stage Selection process in the lead up to the GAB Awards.
a) Nomination for a GAB Award.
b) Initial screening of Nominees to a shortlist of Finalists.
c) Announcement of GAB Awards Recipients screened from the list of Finalists and Conferment of Awards.

GAB Awards 2023
Nominations Calendar
Deadline for the receipt of Nominations and Biographies:
Friday 20 September 2024 Extended till Friday October 4 2024
Notification and Announcement of Finalists:
from Monday 2 September 2024.
Announcement of Recipients and Conferment of Awards:
Sunday 1 December 2024. (At the GAB Awards Ceremony)
GAB Awards London 2022
Good Luck!
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