
  • Zacch Adelabu Adedeji

    FIRS: The picture is here!

    We are in a time of pronounced change of thinking in a positive direction in Nigeria after decades of misadventures. To support this change, we must focus on the key policies and drivers of reform in order to assist them in their endeavours. Read more

  • Munirudeen Bola Oyebamiji

    Oyebamiji, NIWA and Blue Economy

    From the track records of Munirudeen Bola Oyebamiji, his appointment into the hitherto moribund National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA) as its Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer (MD/CEO) is well deserved. Given his pedigree, experience and Read more

  • Bola Ahmed Tinubu

    Tinubu and the creation of a new society

    Nigeria is at a critical juncture; and in such a context, it is “cometh the moment, cometh the man”. For President Bola Tinubu, this adversity should be turned into a historic advantage which should propel him to be the creator of a new society and Read more

  • Leah Sharibu

    Again, a thought for Leah Sharibu

    May 14, 2020 marked Leah Sharibu’s 17th year of existence on earth. By that date, she had also gone deeper into her 3rd year as a captive in Boko Haram’s custody, ministering to the needs of the terrorists in an unfamiliar desert terrain. Read more

  • COVID-19 palliative in Nigeria

    COVID-19 pandemic and the days that follow!

    Once again, the lockdown in parts of Nigeria as a way of mitigating the coronavirus, aka COVID-19, pandemic, is a step in the right direction. At least, for those who believe, disease pandemics are signs of the end of the age (Matthew 24). Read more

  • Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu

    2023 and Tinubu’s rumoured interest

    Rumours are rumours! But, if, indeed, there is any substance or element of truth in the rumoured presidential ambition of Bola Ahmed Tinubu, then, he will have to take some serious steps for it to become a reality. Read more

  • Insecurity in Nigeria

    Insecurity: Where do we go from here?

    Have you watched the video clips of the gruesome execution of Lawan Andimi and Roypvil Dalyep by Boko Haram? Have you ever imagined what it feels like to take one’s loved ones away with hopes of reuniting with them waning with each passing day? Have Read more

  • Kayode Fayemi

    Fayemi, Afenifere and Restructuring

    Without doubt, Fayemi’s speech spoke to the equally troubling issues of resource control, devolution of powers and state policing, not in the realm of politics alone, but the reality of the Nigerian situation. In truth, the Governor strikes me as Read more

  • City A.M 231118 p26

    UK Diaspora leader hits back at ex UK Secretary of State

    Femi Okutubo, Editor-in-Chief of The Trumpet, the leading Nigerian diaspora newspaper in the United Kingdom has responded to Priti Patel, former Secretary of State for International Development in the United Kingdom (UK). Read more

  • Fascist tendencies in Buhari's broadcast

    Dangerous fascist tendencies in President Buhari’s national broadcast

    President Muhammadu Buhari’s national broadcast, after 104-days of medical tourism, was as disappointing as it signalled a dangerous bend in government-citizen relationship that must be checked right away in the interest of both the administration Read more

  • Segun Steve Olukayode

    Are these herdsmen licensed to kill?

    When the Buhari-led administration was wooing the masses for votes before the 2015 election with all manner of promises of change, little did we know that those campaign promises were a smokescreen approach meant to hoodwink the masses into voting Read more

  • Nigeria's Vice President - Prof. Yemi Osinbajo

    Amnesty for looters as socio-economic sabotage of Nigeria

    As if there is collusion between the federal executive and legislature to attack Nigeria’s soul at both the moral and economic levels, Acting President Yemi Osinbajo and a member of the House of Representatives, Hon. Linus Okorie (Ebonyi, PDP), have Read more

  • Nnamdi Kanu

    Averting the looming ethno-nationality crisis in Nigeria

    On the 30th of May, 2017, the Independent People of Biafra (IPOB) and the Biafran Independence Movement (BIM) issued a stay at home directive to all Nigerians of Igbo extraction. The directive, according to reports, was issued on three inter-related Read more

  • Bukola Saraki

    The evil of media trial

    There is need for the Federal Government of Nigeria to guide against whipping up public sentiments against judicial officers whenever it found itself on the wrong side of judicial verdicts, as attempts to demonize the judges and intimidate the Read more

  • Donald Trump

    Diplomacy: Global politics and local lessons for Nigeria

    Events from around the world in the first week of June are sources of local wisdom for Nigeria to learn from. From the US Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation of alleged Russian interference in the United States Presidential election last Read more

  • Nigeria broken up

    Abolition of This Nigeria

    A book should not be judged by its cover, nor should the holiness of a man of God be judged by the resplendency of his robe. So hear me out and do not judge what I am about to say by the title. I am talking about THIS present Nigeria, not the Nigeria Read more

  • Buhari must prevent 'Change' from being a threat to our survival

    APC-Buhari Administration, Two years after

    On May 29th 2017, the APC government under the leadership of President Muhammadu Buhari will be two years in office. Having reached the midpoint of its four-year tenure, we consider an assessment of the government to be appropriate. Read more

  • Muhammadu Buhari

    Midterm Scorecard of President Muhammadu Buhari

    Interestingly, the feedback on PMB’s scorecard shows a mixed bag of hard knocks and eulogies. So, what do Nigerians think? Here is a non-scientific feedback from a cross section of the citizenry on government’s management of specific sectors of the Read more

  • Buhari must prevent 'Change' from being a threat to our survival

    Buhari, APC and the road to 2019

    All things considered, I think Nigeria has been punched into coma and only God can bring her back to life! Read more

  • Hussiani Monguno

    Nigeria running a #GestapoGovernment

    First it starts with foes, then friends, then you and I. At a time, against better advice, I strongly supported the extra-judicial detention of Radio Biafra boss, Nwannekaenyi Okwu-Kanu. My argument was that, it should not be because the Department Read more

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