The National Black Police Association in the United Kingdom has warned that the "continued disproportionate use (of Stop & Search') on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities will further erode trust and confidence in the police."
The warning was sounded following a recent report by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) confirming that: white people are more likely to be found carrying drugs when Stop & Searched than ethnic minorities. However it is black skinned people who are EIGHT times as likely to be subject to this intrusive power - nine out of ten times for drugs.
National Black Police Association logo
In a Press Release signed by its President - Tola Munro, the National Black Police Association stated that "a logical conclusion of this is that the majority of Stop & Searches are on the wrong people."
The Association added that "The NBPA encourages the tactical use of Stop & Search for weapons, knives and stolen or prohibited items. Such use allays suspicions, and leads to arrest when items are found. But we feel that the current 'troubling' disproportionate level of stops of black young men do not result in reducing violent crime or recovering stolen items. Indeed studies show that Stop and Search is not effective in reducing overall crime.
"This vital tool must be used appropriately to be effective and inspire confidence in our communities. We call on the Home Secretary, HMICFRS and National Police Chief's Council to continue appropriate scrutiny and challenge to prove its legitimacy. Otherwise its continued disproportionate use on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities will further erode trust and confidence in the police."