By Chantelle Flower Fekumo
A message I sent to Dr Erinma Bell MBE enquiring about activities happening in Manchester's African community led to an invitation to attend one of her events. This was an opportunity to see firsthand the work she does and it was highly impressive.
I met Dr Bell in person at the first Gathering of Africa's Best (GAB) Awards in Manchester where she won an award for her service to Peace. Her work against gang violence in Manchester is well documented.
However, this event was a "Hate Crime Awareness" workshop organised by the Nigerian Women's Group Manchester where Dr. Bell is the Chair. A well attended event where after introductions, a video clip was shown, highlighting the dangers of ignoring to report Hate Crime, be it racial, gender, disability, religion or sexuality. What was most surprising to me is the catastrophic effect the fear of reporting hate crime has on the victims.
Creating Hate Crime awareness
Creating Hate Crime awareness
Dr Bell wasn't the only speaker. There was Robin from Wellbeing Awareness for West Africans in the Diaspora (WAWAD) discussing health, wellbeing, diet and the control or management of diabetes within the African community through healthy eating.
Another speaker was Abrar from the Monitoring Group based in London. His message stressed the need for all ethnic minorities to work together in one accord for one common goal rather than having different pockets with the same message. As one big voice, it will make more impact. Also at the event were guests from the Asian community inviting the Nigerian Women's Group to visit the Indian Community Centre to witness their activities.
From Left - Dr Erinma Bell, Chantelle Fekumor and a guest
From Left - Dr Erinma Bell, Chantelle Fekumo and a guest
As participants we were encouraged not to ignore our suspicions but instead to bear witness to Hate Crime. There are phone numbers to call, however, if you are not confident enough to go to the police anonymously there are Third party reporting centres and Housing Associations you can report suspicions to. The more the reporting of such crimes occur, the more it deters those about to do it and thus saves lives.
Having one big voice will make more impact
Having one big voice will make more impact
Love for all
Love for all
After all the serious business, was the relaxing activity of painting face masks with oil paint to unleash the inner artists in us followed by refreshments.
Unleashing the inner artist to fight Hate Crime
Unleashing the inner artist to fight Hate Crime
Attending the workshop clearly highlights many reasons why Dr Erinma Bell has won multiple awards as a peace activist and I left her company for the second time in a month feeling inspired.