Femi Iloyi
Femi Iloyi
Category - The Arts
The MTV Award Winner - Film Director, BET Editor and Music Producer, Motivational speaker and Performance Artist works for the Department for International Development and is in charge of a government initiative called Platform2 - which is an international volunteering programme for young people in the United Kingdom. Platform2 sent volunteers to Ghana, Kenya, South Africa and Peru for 10 weeks in an attempt to improve both the living conditions of communities in the developing world but also volunteers' understanding of the issues surrounding development and poverty.
He is also a talented entrepreneur and an entertainment mogul who is well accomplished within the creative field. As the CEO of FEROmedia, he has managed to develop and establish powerful partnerships clients such as with Christian Aid, BET, DFID and the Nike Foundation.
He has been nominated for many awards, and won an MTV award (Show us what you're made of) for best short film directed and produced by an independent company.