With deep gratitude to God and great appreciation to our Readers, Advertisers, Vendors, Volunteers, Team Members, Colleagues, Friends and many more; we are happy to announce formally - that Trumpet Newspaper is 30 years fresh!

TMG 30th Anniversary logo
This milestone reminds us that Trumpet is the longest-surviving and far-reaching media organisation targeting UK's Diaspora African community.
Nigerian Trumpet took off in London in 1995 with a bold statement: "It's time Nigerians had a voice..."
Barely three years later, having discovered that other Africans also needed to combat negative stereotypes, we rebranded to The Trumpet with a clear message: "It's time Africans had a voice..."
30 years on, we can confidently say that indeed: "Africans now have a voice..."
However, there is a lot more work to be done because if we as Africans don’t blow our own trumpet - no one else would!
As we walk this journey together, we trust that we can count on your continued love, support and patronage.
Thanks and God bless.
‘Femi Okutubo
Publisher / Editor-in-Chief